Graduação: Recent submissions
Itens para a visualização no momento 201-220 of 287
Desvio de verbas públicas na saúde durante a pandemia da COVID-19.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The present work presents steps in the investigative process of possible embezzlement of public funds in health during the Covid-19 pandemic, specifically in relation to federal resources destined for Brazilian states ... -
Faturamento incorreto por responsabilidade da distribuidora de energia eletrica: análise do art.113 da resolução n°414/2010 da ANEEL.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This research aims to analyze the application of constitutional principles of contradictory and broad defense in relation to article 113 of Resolution No. 414/2010 of ANEEL. The main purpose is to observe the applicability ... -
O impacto da publicidade abusiva e enganosa nas mídias sociais e as sanções previstas no código de defesa do consumidor.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Due to the great impact of social networks on our society, one of the main methods being used to attract consumers is advertising on social media, which is gaining great relevance and notoriety, becoming essential for ... -
Alienação parental: os reflexos na vida da criança e do adolescente, perspectivas e desafios na área jurídica.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This monograph presents a study about the impact of Parental Alienation on children and adolescents, as well as perspectives and challenges in the legal area. The methodology used was bibliographic research. The great ... -
A adoção internacional no Brasil e o impacto do excesso de burocratização.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)In Brazil, due to the excessive bureaucratization on intercountry adoption, there are many impacts on Brazilian children that have no rights on assisted family living. Therefore, is noticeable the occurrence of profound ... -
Um debate acerca dos óbices no processo de adoção no período pandêmico em Fortaleza no estado do Ceará.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)We will analyze the slowness in the adoption process, it is intended to show the bureaucracy and delay in the adoption processes during the pandemic period in Fortaleza, Ceará state. The concept, legal nature, the ... -
Sexo e distanciamento social dos corpos: análise das práticas sexuais em tempos de Pandemia.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The idea of sexuality is understood as a form of human expression that is impacted by the biological perspective and the social, cultural, economic, and historical environment into which the person is placed. Sexual ... -
Violência, gênero, raça e classe: uma compreensão interseccional.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Gender violence is still strongly present in the Brazilian sociocultural context and has been demanding deeper understanding and effective combat, becoming even more worrying when it comes to women belonging to disadvantaged ... -
Mecanismos de garantia e proteção dos direitos da criança e do adolescente: conselho tutelar de Fortaleza/CE em foco os impactos da Pandemia da COVID-19 no conselho tutelar de Fortaleza/CE.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This work deals with the mechanisms for guaranteeing and protecting the Rights of Children and Adolescents, specifically on the Guardianship Council as a body that seeks a balance in terms of the effective performance ... -
Natureza da divergência jurisprudencial acerca da incidência do ICMS sobre a TUST/TUSD no âmbito do Superior Tribunal de Justiça.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2020)Elemento obrigatório em tese, dissertação e monografia. É a versão do resumo em português para o idioma de divulgação internacional. Deve aparecer em folha distinta do resumo em língua portuguesa e seguido das palavras ... -
Os desafios das mulheres na conciliação do trabalho doméstico, trabalho formal e estudos durante o período de distanciamento social na cidade de Fortaleza.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)La llegada de la pandemia de Sars-Covid-2 a Brasil, impuso el distanciamiento social como medida de protección. De marzo a julio de 2020, en Fortaleza, Brasil hubo una superposición de actividades en el espacio doméstico. ... -
Relações familiares em isolamento social: um estudo analítico comportamental sobre a violência doméstica contra a mulher.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)Family relationships in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic have become a great challenge of coexistence, leading some cases to physical and mental exhaustion, since social isolation was a historic milestone for the ... -
Fatores relacionados aos transtornos mentais comuns em universitários durante a pandemia de COVID-19.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)In the literature, several studies point to the particular vulnerability of university students to the development of common mental disorders associated with strenuous academic routine, among other factors. In the presence ... -
O trabalho remoto no contexto da Pandemia da COVID-19: a repercussão no âmbito da saúde mental dos profissionais de psicologia que atuam no contexto organizacional.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The study addresses the analysis of how the transformations in organizations and work resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on the mental health aspect of occupational psychology professionals. The research ... -
Regulação emocional e autoeficácia parental em mães, pais ou responsáveis de crianças autistas.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Emotional Regulation and Self-Efficacy in parents and guardians of autistic children are necessary due to the numerous changes in the family context. The main objective of the present study was to analyze the relationship ... -
Impactos da educação parental no desenvolvimento sócio emocional da criança.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Parental education and its effects on children's behavior makes room for researchers interested in understanding parenthood and its implications in child development. Parenting styles or parental practices were associated ... -
Trabalhe enquanto eles dormem: os efeitos do workaholism na saúde mental de adultos durante a pandemia de covid-19.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The coronavirus is a family of viruses that causes respiratory infections and causes the disease called COVID-19, which spread rapidly in China and, later, infected patients were identified in other countries, resulting ... -
Biblioterapia: um estudo do uso da literatura na promoção de saúde e qualidade de vida.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The term Bibliotherapy - from the Greek, biblion and therapeia - is used to conceptualize the therapeutic function of books, emphasizing reading as something beyond an informative or recreational resource, but also ... -
Um debate acerca da violência doméstica na atual crise sanitária no Brasil
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Commonly, when dealing with the subject of domestic violence in the Brazilian context, what is observed is the existence of certain patterns, discourses, social and cultural practices that corroborate the occurrence of ... -
Responsabilidade civil dos médicos e dos planos de saúde pelo uso de “tratamentos experimentais” contra covid 19 não informados aos pacientes: o caso prevent senior.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The scope of this monograph is to discuss the civil liability of physicians and health plans, focusing on experimental treatments with the "Kit Covid" performed on patients assisted by the Prevent Senior Health Operator. ...