Alienação parental: os reflexos na vida da criança e do adolescente, perspectivas e desafios na área jurídica.
This monograph presents a study about the impact of Parental Alienation on children and
adolescents, as well as perspectives and challenges in the legal area. The methodology used
was bibliographic research. The great relevance of this subject was observed, which consists
in identifying and analyzing the essential elements to the configuration of alienating practices
and what are their consequences in relation to legal and psychological issues. The theme will
be covered in parts, firstly presenting general aspects about the family, marriage and marital
separations or divorce. In a second moment, it addresses the types of guard with emphasis on
Shared Guard, arising from Law 13058/2014. Finally, the Institute of Parental Alienation, the
mediation of legal professionals, the importance of Law 12318/2010, as well as intervention
measures that can prevent the problem from progressing, and ways to avoid the suffering of
children and adolescents in order to become healthy adults.