Repositório da Faculdade Ari de Sá: Recent submissions
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Os desafios das mulheres na conciliação do trabalho doméstico, trabalho formal e estudos durante o período de distanciamento social na cidade de Fortaleza.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)La llegada de la pandemia de Sars-Covid-2 a Brasil, impuso el distanciamiento social como medida de protección. De marzo a julio de 2020, en Fortaleza, Brasil hubo una superposición de actividades en el espacio doméstico. ... -
Relações familiares em isolamento social: um estudo analítico comportamental sobre a violência doméstica contra a mulher.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)Family relationships in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic have become a great challenge of coexistence, leading some cases to physical and mental exhaustion, since social isolation was a historic milestone for the ... -
Fatores relacionados aos transtornos mentais comuns em universitários durante a pandemia de COVID-19.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)In the literature, several studies point to the particular vulnerability of university students to the development of common mental disorders associated with strenuous academic routine, among other factors. In the presence ... -
O trabalho remoto no contexto da Pandemia da COVID-19: a repercussão no âmbito da saúde mental dos profissionais de psicologia que atuam no contexto organizacional.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The study addresses the analysis of how the transformations in organizations and work resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on the mental health aspect of occupational psychology professionals. The research ... -
Regulação emocional e autoeficácia parental em mães, pais ou responsáveis de crianças autistas.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Emotional Regulation and Self-Efficacy in parents and guardians of autistic children are necessary due to the numerous changes in the family context. The main objective of the present study was to analyze the relationship ... -
Impactos da educação parental no desenvolvimento sócio emocional da criança.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Parental education and its effects on children's behavior makes room for researchers interested in understanding parenthood and its implications in child development. Parenting styles or parental practices were associated ... -
Trabalhe enquanto eles dormem: os efeitos do workaholism na saúde mental de adultos durante a pandemia de covid-19.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The coronavirus is a family of viruses that causes respiratory infections and causes the disease called COVID-19, which spread rapidly in China and, later, infected patients were identified in other countries, resulting ... -
Biblioterapia: um estudo do uso da literatura na promoção de saúde e qualidade de vida.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The term Bibliotherapy - from the Greek, biblion and therapeia - is used to conceptualize the therapeutic function of books, emphasizing reading as something beyond an informative or recreational resource, but also ... -
Um debate acerca da violência doméstica na atual crise sanitária no Brasil
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Commonly, when dealing with the subject of domestic violence in the Brazilian context, what is observed is the existence of certain patterns, discourses, social and cultural practices that corroborate the occurrence of ... -
Responsabilidade civil dos médicos e dos planos de saúde pelo uso de “tratamentos experimentais” contra covid 19 não informados aos pacientes: o caso prevent senior.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The scope of this monograph is to discuss the civil liability of physicians and health plans, focusing on experimental treatments with the "Kit Covid" performed on patients assisted by the Prevent Senior Health Operator. ... -
Atuação do estado do ceará frente desinformação: uma análise da lei estadual 17.207/2020 sob a ótica da teoria da regulação responsiva.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Since the end of 2019, a pandemic of the new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has been discussed in traditional media and especially in digital media around the world. In Brazilian society, this situation caused several uncertainties ... -
A interação na internet acarreta violação de privacidade? Como a exposição excessiva nas redes sociais amplia a margem de casos dos crimes cibernético.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This study aims to demonstrate a brief historical evolution of the internet in Brazilian society, from its beginning until the creation of social networks, means of communication which facilitate the connection between ... -
A aplicação dos princípios administrativos da legalidade, da publicidade, e da eficiência na tecnologia utilizada na administração pública: uma análise do big data implementado pela secretaria da segurança pública e defesa social do estado do ceará.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This work intends to understand how the administrative principles of legality, publicity and efficiency are applied in the processes of development, implementation, maintenance and use of data technology applied in Ceará ... -
Poliamor: os entraves de reconhecimento como entidade familiar e o entendimento do supremo tribunal federal acerca da modalidade de união.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This work is intended solely for information and reflection on a matter of legal and social relevance, Polyamory, pushing away any ideological or political positioning. Here the concept of Polyaffective union will be ... -
A importância da advocacia preventiva com o uso de ferramentas de compliance e governança corporativa na perspectiva do processo de recuperação judicial.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The main objective of this study is to analyze an application of the pillars and tools to comply, corporate governance and good practices for companies seeking to face a judicial recovery process. In summary, the teachings ... -
O desenvolvimento das energias renováveis no estado do Ceará através de incentivos legais às políticas públicas.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The present research aims to investigate the development of renewable energy in the state of Ceará, based on the historical and geographical development of the state. Among the main matrices studied are wind, solar, wave, ... -
Responsabilidade civil e abandono afetivo de crianças e adolescentes.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This paper presents the concept of family and its evolution in relation to the principles applicable to family law, specifically that which refers to affectivity, as an essential foundation for the full protection of ... -
Defensoria pública em tempos de pandemia: um estudo de caso na 22ª unidade do juizado especial cível de fortaleza.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The Covid-19 pandemic worsened the health, economic and social crisis on a global scale, spreading social fragility, inaccessibility of rights and routine violations of human rights. In this context, the Public Defender's ... -
Direito à privacidade no mundo virtual sob advento da lei geral de proteção de dados.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This work addresses the right to privacy in the digital world, whose debate deals with the performance of the General Data Protection Law, aimed at the protection of personal data, in view of the high flow of information, ... -
Direito à privacidade no mundo virtual sob advento da lei geral de proteção de dados.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This work addresses the right to privacy in the digital world, whose debate deals with the performance of the General Data Protection Law, aimed at the protection of personal data, in view of the high flow of information, ...