Direito à privacidade no mundo virtual sob advento da lei geral de proteção de dados.
This work addresses the right to privacy in the digital world, whose debate deals with
the performance of the General Data Protection Law, aimed at the protection of
personal data, in view of the high flow of information, has given access to a level of
detailed information, uniformly organized and aggregated in one place, bringing
attention to a range of privacy risks and personal data vulnerability. For the
development of this work, the technique used was documentary research, with the
LGPD as the main source, and others that became important to deal with the topic
under discussion, when everything was still very new, in addition to using theses,
dissertations, monographs, articles and materials. Therefore, it is understood that the
aforementioned Law intends to regulate the collection and processing of personal data
in the country, however, without making technological and economic development
impossible. In this way, the monetization of personal data will continue to be legally
possible, as long as it takes place in compliance with the Law, since the erroneous
handling of personal data can have negative impacts, highlighting the importance of
protecting this data and its application to the purposes that are in line with the
expectations of individuals.