Repositório da Faculdade Ari de Sá: Recent submissions
Itens para a visualização no momento 201-220 of 337
O impacto da ausência e/ou ineficácia da fiscalização de obra na construção civil.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)The inspection activity, not civil works, comes increasingly from civil construction, whether in public works, public works, public works. This finding stems, above all, from the growing lack of quality manifested in ... -
O uso da metodologia BIM no planejamento e controle em canteiros de obras.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)BIM technology has come to assist and improve the processes of companies in the field of Architecture, Engineering and Construction that seek new ways to minimize expenses and maximize the return on their investments. ... -
Comparação entre pavimentos dimensionados com os métodos do DNER (1981) e MEDINA (2018): estudo de caso com solos de subleito da cidade de João Pessoa/PB.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)The Brazilian asphalt-paving scene is changing. It is being developed a new method for pavements design, according to a mecanística-empírica procedure, in order to replace the current method, which is merely empirical. ... -
Análise da substituição de pavimentos flexíveis em CBUQ por piso intertravado em projetos de pavimentação de vias.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)This article aims to review, through bibliographic references, the impacts of the CBUQ pavement for replacement interlocks in public road urbanization projects. During the literature review, we sought to review the paving ... -
Eventos Científicos - Coordenação de Iniciação Científica, Monitoria e Extensão - CIMEE
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022) -
Eventos Científicos - Coordenação de Iniciação Científica, Monitoria e Extensão - CIMEE
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2020) -
Eventos Científicos - Coordenação de Iniciação Científica, Monitoria e Extensão - CIMEE
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2019) -
Eventos Científicos - Coordenação de Iniciação Científica, Monitoria e Extensão - CIMEE
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2018) -
A saúde mental da trabalhadora-mãe no contexto de Pandemia do SARS-COV-2.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This article aims to bring reflections on the mental health of women who have a paid job, having a child under their responsibility and in the context of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. In March 2020, countries were facing the ... -
Análise comparativa do impacto da Pandemia de COVID-19 na saúde mental da população e dos profissionais de saúde.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Objective: To analyze and compare the levels of impact on mental health in the general population and in health professionals arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: this is a quantitative ex post facto correlational ... -
Sistema prisional brasileiro - a pandemia do coronavírus e seu impacto no sistema prisional.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)The gigantic prison population present in Brazil is known, based on this assumption and the current pandemic moment, the general objective of the research is to discuss the impacts of the pandemic on the Brazilian prison ... -
Sexualidade e discriminação de pessoas LGBTQIA+: o papel da clínica psicologica afirmativa como estratégica de enfrentamento.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)he present study addressed the role of affirmative psychotherapeutic practices and their consequences in the psychological care aimed at the LGBTQIA+ audience (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, ... -
A arteterapia como forma de enfrentamento as desigualdades de gênero e os papéis sociais de gênero voltados para a mulher.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Gender is seen as the way society deals with the bodies of individuals and the consequences of this in an individual and collective way, from this, the social constructions of what is directed to each gender leads to ... -
Setor bancário no Brasil - impactos do perfil de liderança nos resultados dos liderados.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This study aimed to present the impacts of the leadership profile on the results of the employees in the banking sector in Brazil. In order to answer that, it was necessary to identify the leadership profile in the banking ... -
Impactos da educação parental no desenvolvimento sócio emocional da criança.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Parental education and its effects on children's behavior makes room for researchers interested in understanding parenthood and its implications in child development. Parenting styles or parental practices were associated ... -
Regulação emocional e autoeficácia parental em mães, pais ou responsáveis de crianças autistas.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)Emotional Regulation and Self-Efficacy in parents and guardians of autistic children are necessary due to the numerous changes in the family context. The main objective of the present study was to analyze the relationship ... -
Impacto da COVID-19 nas relações de trabalho: uma análise no turismo de Trairi -Ce.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This work analyzes, in a bibliographical and empirical way, the impacts of the COVID19 pandemic on labor relations, with focus on the tourist area of the County of TrairiCe. To perform the empirical research, the work was ... -
Políticas públicas de ressocialização sob a perspectiva do implemento de atividades criativas nas prisões: estudo comparado entre Brasil e Noruega.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This study is dedicated to analyzing Public Policies for Resocialization from the Perspective of Implementing Creative Activities in Prisons, making a comparative study between Brazil and Norway. The aim is, mainly, to ... -
O relativismo de protágoras como pressuposto remoto para o positivismo contemporâneo: positivismo não inclusivo e positivismo inclusivo.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2021)This monographic work aimed to investigate the origins and formation of protagorical relativism, as well as its contribution to the construction of contemporary positivism. It was also examined how Kelsen’s Pure Theory ...