Comparação entre pavimentos dimensionados com os métodos do DNER (1981) e MEDINA (2018): estudo de caso com solos de subleito da cidade de João Pessoa/PB.
The Brazilian asphalt-paving scene is changing. It is being developed a new method
for pavements design, according to a mecanística-empírica procedure, in order to
replace the current method, which is merely empirical. In relation to this situation, this
article aims to present a comparative analysis between asphalt pavement structures
designed by the current method of DNER (1981) and the new National Design Method
(MeDiNa), using two different soils from João Pessoa – PB. The structures designed
by DNER (1981) were inefficient towards the fatigue cracking and permanent
deformation, during the lifetime project. The structures projected by MeDiNa showed
a satisfactory behavior, attending the established limits. It was verified that the
pavements design through the National Design Method (MeDiNa) can effectively
satisfy the population demands, in comparison to the current method.
Keywords: Sizing of Road Structures. Floor Structures. Flexible floors