Engenharia Civil
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Análise na mobilidade urbana com ênfase na caminhabilidade da região central do município de Pacajus
(2020)The present study aimed to analyze the current situation of Urban Mobility in the municipality of Pacajus, in order to propose suggestions for improvements to the traffic in that municipality. With the research, it was ... -
Análise numérica de estruturas de parede de concreto: modelagem computacional do edifício residencial arbo condomínio parque
(2020)The constant search for improvement in quality management methodologies in the civil construction market, more precisely the development market, has become highly demanding and competitive. Thus, in the face of this ... -
Proposição de melhorias no projeto de canteiro em uma obra com sistema construtivo parede de concreto.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2023)Civil Construction has undergone a substantial transformation in its procedures, improving service execution techniques and the evolution of construction methods. In this evolving context, the sector has turned its ... -
Comparação entre sistemas treliçados do tipo PRATT, do tipo WARREN e do tipo HOWE, com foco no menor peso.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2023)This work constitutes an analysis of flat trusses composed of cold-formed steel elements in metal structures. The research focuses on comparing three specific truss variations - Warren, Howe, and Pratt - all subjected ... -
Avaliação de obras de urbanização e requalificação: um estudo de caso dos impactos na comunidade do vicente pinzon em fortaleza.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2023)The Santa Terezinha Hill, located in the Vincent Pinzon neighborhood in Fortaleza - CE, underwent an intensive process of urbanization and disorderly occupation starting in the 1980s. This period resulted in a partial ... -
Avaliação das falhas de quantitativos em uma obra de edificação pública utilizando ferramentas bim.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2023)In the current competitive dynamics of the market, the crucial need for an accurate assessment of the costs involved in civil construction projects becomes evident. This assessment is conducted through the budgeting ... -
Aplicação do bim no planejamento de obras: um estudo de caso em eusébio – ce.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2023)Construction planning is an essential step in the execution of projects, since from there, the tasks to be performed are designed in order to optimize construction. Several methodologies were designed to add more value ... -
Técnicas de reforço estrutural aplicadas em peças de concreto armado- uma revisão bibliográfica.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2023)It is well known that civil construction is a sector that is growing and developing more every day. One of the most important elements in a building is its structure, which guarantees the stability and safety of the building ... -
Análise da percepção do uso do Sisdea Home Windows para avaliação de imóveis.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2023)Given the various methodologies and calculations for carrying out an accurate assessment of the value of a given property, there is a need to look for tools that have emerged from new technologies to assist in this ... -
Transporte coletivo sob demanda em Fortaleza-CE.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)Urban Mobility in Brazil is a topic that has been gaining space in great social environments, due to the uncontrolled growth of individual forms of transport in larger cities. Through new methods and technologies aligned ... -
Análise comparativa das principais alterações da NR 18.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)The civil construction is one of the sectors of the economy that most employ a large amount of labor. Due to the nature of the activities of workers inserted in this environment, there is a great need to implement ... -
Avaliação funcional de uma via urbana de fortaleza-ce com revestimento asfáltico do tipo cpa.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)Most medium and large Brazilian cities went through a period of extraordinary urban growth in the 1960s and 1970s, which required large investments in infrastructure by the Government and in the expansion or even the ... -
Concreto com uso de fibras de resíduo de borracha de pneu como substituição parcial ao agregado miúdo convencional para pavimento rígido.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)This research approaches the comparison between a simple concrete pavement and a concrete pavement with fine aggregate modified by the use of tire residue. In this way, it is expected to help improve the scenario of ... -
Riscos nos canteiros de obras – estudo de caso em obras de edificação residencial.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)The civil construction industry, among the economic sectors in Brazil, is one of the segments that most result in accidents at work, in view of the above, it is up to employers and managers, as a preventive way, to ... -
Proposta de implementação do bim no processo de análise e aprovação de projetos junto ao cbmce.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)The Fire and Panic Safety Project (PSCIP) is a document prepared by qualified professionals, such as civil engineers or work safety engineers, and which aims to provide greater safety to people who circulate in buildings. ... -
Revestimento inteligente: ecogranito.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)Since prehistory, man has modified the environment for his best comfort and it is based on this premise that Civil Construction has also evolved to provide comfort and practicality in people's daily lives. Currently, ... -
Proposição de modelo analítico para acompanhamento físico-financeiro de obras.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)The physical and financial monitoring of works is a relevant factor in decision-making in order to control the result of works. For this to be possible, the present work aims to deal with the implementation of a report ... -
Proposição de melhorias no gerenciamento de obras através do lean e bim em um estudo de caso.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)The management of works in civil construction is a challenge, with the changes that the industry has undergone over time and the substantial increase in competitiveness, many companies seek to innovate their services, ... -
Influência de adições minerais pozolânicas no processo de carbonatação do concreto.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)This study aimed to analyze, the through a literature review, results of tests with the addition of fly ash, silica fume, and metakaolin in different percentages of addition and substitution in mass to cement in to ... -
Análise de medidas não-estruturais de drenagem urbana em fortaleza: uma avaliação na rua do canal do bairro jardim das oliveiras.
(Faculdade Ari de Sá, 2022)Urban infrastructure, especially focused on rainwater drainage, needs a document that describes management mechanisms for increasingly significant actions. In order to reduce urban flooding, the Master Plan for Urban ...