A constitucionalidade das uniões poliamoristas e sua relação com os princípios da igualdade e do pluralismo familiar.
This monograph aims to prove that polyamorous stable unions are framed in the
Brazilian constitutional order, as well as demonstrate that its recognition is based on
the principle of equality and family pluralism. To support this, an analysis will be made
of the evolution of the stable union in Brazil, from de facto society to homo-affective
stable union. In addition, an examination will be made of the rationale of the judgment
rendered in Extraordinary Appeal 1.045.273 by the STF and the decision rendered in
the Request for Procedures No. 0001459-08.2016.2.00.0000 that proceeded before
the CNJ. As we will see, the grounds used by the judges were influenced by the
repulsion that Brazilian society has towards non-monogamous relationships, contrary
to the legal support used by the same Court in ADI 4277, which considered homo affective stable unions to be constitutional. Finally, there will be an explanation of what
the principles of equality and family pluralism are and how they relate to the
polyamorous family.
Keywords: Polyamory. Equality. Family. Pluralism. Constitutionality