A herança digital no ordenamento jurídico vigente: uma análise quanto ao acesso dos herdeiros às redes sociais do de cujus e à proteção de dados post mortem.
Before the current “Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais” (General Law of
Personal Data Protection), the group Meta Platforms, Inc. is increasingly exploring the
possibilities of the so-called legacy contacts in their digital platforms, through the new
resource named "Digital Testament”. The current research seek to analyze, through
dogmatic-theory studies, the scanning of scientific articles and analyzes of concrete
cases, the possibilities or impossibilities to transfer digital heritage as of the advent of
digital will, under the conflict perspective between the right to familial inheritance and
the right to the deceased privacy and the third-party uninvolved to succession,
considering, therefore, the specific legislation precariousness regarding this heritage
in the Brazilian legal system, the “Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD)”,
the “Marco Civil da Internet” and the Brazilian Federal Constitution.
Keywords: 1. Digital Heritage; 2. Social Networks; 3. Law of Personal Data Protection
(LPDP); 4. Personality Rights; 5. Succession Law.