Gestação por substituição à luz dos princípios constitucionais e do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro.
This investigation addresses the problematization of the lack of regulation in the
Brazilian legal system in cases of the use of the Substitution Pregnancy technique.
And to deal with this problem, the present work was supported by Resolution No.
2.168/2017 of the Federal Council of Medicine, linking to it jurisprudence, doctrines,
articles and journals, trying through this to prove the great need for a regulation with
the force of law to protect everyone involved in this process, since this gap in the law
can bring major conflicts in relation to fundamental principles and rights. Furthermore,
the main concern, which is supported until then by the aforementioned Resolution, is
the possible commercialization of babies, thus conflicting the basic right of the Brazilian
legal system with that of human dignity. Finally, this search for balance between
science and law needs to be constant so that there can be a limitation in the
performance and applicability of medicine, applying penalties in a fair manner when
there are illegal acts during the process of assisted reproduction.
Keywords: Substitution Pregnancy. Assisted reproduction. Brazilian Legal System.
Constitutional principles