Liberdade é não ter medo: as dificuldades enfrentadas por casais homoafetivos no processo de adoção.
This paper addresses the historical evolution of the concept of family, as well as the
changes that occurred in the institute of the family entity and the recognition of
homoaffective stable unions from the Supreme Court. It also addresses the rights
resulting from it, among them that of parenting, covering the concept and requirements
of adoption. This deals with the legal possibility of adoption by same-sex couples in
the light of the principles of human dignity and equality, and especially the principle of
the best interests of the child. It deals with the achievements and legitimacy of these
family entities, which even post several public, legal and social discussions, still face
prejudice, which in its multiple forms, even when subtle, still, affects these families,
constrained, condemning and segregating. Therefore, despite the expansion of this
theme, much has yet to be done and advanced on the construction of public policies
that support and give visibility and legitimacy to these families.