O trabalho escravo na atualidade brasileira.
The general objective of this study was to demonstrate the evolution of work analogous
to slavery in Brazil, focusing on the present. The methodology used was bibliographic
research. The results showed that since "contemporary slave labor" was recognized in
Brazil, back in 1995, tens of thousands of workers in this deplorable situation were
released from "captivity" by fiscal actions carried out by the Ministry of Labor and
Welfare, among other bodies, throughout the national territory. Naturally, this new type
of slavery evolved over time, a fact that was also confirmed by the research carried out.
Although in the beginning its existence was limited to rural areas, nowadays workers
are also enticed to activities carried out in urban areas, such as civil construction and the
textile industry. It was also found that most victims are domestic or even foreign
migrants, in a situation of extreme social vulnerability, who leave their families and
their homes in search of new work opportunities, only to be shamelessly exploited,
without any guarantee formal or respect for their labor rights. It was concluded that,
despite much that has been done in the country to address the issue, such as the creation,
by the Ministry of Labor and Welfare, of the Special Inspection Group (Mobile Group),
formed by Tax Auditors, Attorneys of the Work and police, with the purpose of
rescuing victims in situations of slave labor, it is necessary that combating the problem
becomes a government priority, with greater investments in inspection actions and
greater repression of the practice of crime.
Keywords: Contemporary Slave Labor. Social vulnerability. Oversight.