Transtorno da infância e medicação: uma análise sobre o transtorno do espectro autista.
The increase in childhood disorders and the respective drug prescriptions, aimed this article to
address an Analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Thus, ASD is often diagnosed in
childhood and because of disordered behavior, communication and social interaction
difficulties, medications have been inserted to treat these symptoms. Considering the studies in
the national literature reported in this work, the cause of autism as well as the drugs that treat it
are still unknown. Thus, this study proposes to evaluate the understanding of parents about drug
prescription in childhood as a primary treatment proposal, in addition to investigating adverse
reactions and benefits of medication in the treatment, showing other interventions that are
indicated as therapy, seeking which of these have studies empirical evidence to prove its
effectiveness and those that may be harmful to the treatment. In summary, the research took
place in a private clinic in Fortaleza-Ce, the data collection instrument was a structured and
semi-structured interview, proposing a descriptive-exploratory design, of qualitative
proportion, based on the perspective of Behavior Analysis based on radical behaviorism. Four
people who received the diagnosis of ASD in their children were analyzed and it was possible
to trace the profile of the use of psychotropic drugs, the knowledge of the parents regarding
them and their treatments. Thus, the study is relevant because it prioritizes more information to
parents about effective medication and treatments.
Keywords: Childhood. Medication. Autism. Behavior Analysis