A influência das redes sociais na autoestima e autoimagem de jovens mulheres no brasil.
In the current context, with technological changes, the constant sharing of personal life
on social networks and the consumption of media content has become increasingly
common. This dissemination, in the virtual space, of lifestyles, consumption habits and
body images can have negative impacts on female self-esteem and the way young
women perceive their image of themselves. Considering this problem, this article's main
objective is to analyze how social networks influence the self-esteem and self-image of
young women in Brazil, highlighting the widespread aesthetic standards and how this
affects the consumption of this analyzed group. The work explores the different forms
of interaction on social networks, with the main theoretical discussions being the
selective exposure of images, the cult of the perfect body, imposed beauty standards and
low self-esteem as a market construction device. For the methodology, of a qualitative
nature, a bibliographical review was used, developed through the collection of reading
materials on the subject in the following databases and search tools: Google Scholar,
Portal de Periódicos Eletrônicos de Psicologia – PEPSIC and Scientific Etetronic
Library - SCIELO. As the main results collected by the investigation, we can point out
the possibility of there being a series of internal conflicts, among young users, which
are caused by the perception of their own reality, which often does not correspond with
what is seen in the virtual world, as well as the impact which can cause frustration in
women's mental health for not being able to follow the lifestyle propagated by digital
influencers, which is difficult for the vast majority of the population to achieve.
KEYWORDS: Social Networks. Self-esteem. Self-image. Woman. Consume.