Comparativo entre métodos de reforços estruturais aplicados em lajes de concreto armado.
As every reinforced concrete structure has its useful life limit, this implies the
appearance of pathological manifestations at the end of this limit, and even in recent
constructions. Even with the technological advance of civil construction materials, the
emergence of these pathologies and the changes in the use of these structures, leads
us to apply reinforcement in order to guarantee the use with due safety to the user.
This work presentes a bibliographical review on the techniques of application of
structural reinforceents in buildings, directed to reinforced concrete slabs, through
different recovery techniques available in the civil construction Market. Reinforcement
techniques wil be presentd, such as addition of reinforcement, reinforcement through
steel sheets and metal profiles, in addition to the application of polymers reinforced
with carbono fibers (CFRP). Although these procedures presented are applied to slabs,
they can be used in any reinforced concrete structure to be reinforced. The application
of these methods in slabs, or in any other reinforced concrete structure, must be
conditioned by the location's geometry and the type of reinforcement. The choice of
reinforcement technique presented will take into account the architecture of the place,
together with the degree of damage exposed in it, with the aim of avoiding major
architectural changes and unnecessary material expenses, analyzing the advantages
and disadvantages of the studied techniques. All techniques guarantee the increased
strength of the structure. However, the application of the CFRP, in addition to ensuring
high resistance, counts on the practicality and speed of execution, without changing
the architecture of the structure. It emphasizes the importance of all structural
reinforcement works, which are under eficiente supervision and have a total quality
control of materials and all activities involved in the process.
Keywords: Structural reinforcement techniques. Reinforced with carbon fibers.
Metallic sheets. Metal profiles