Estudo teórico de vigas de concreto armado reforçadas à flexão e ao cisalhamento através do uso CFRP.
GOMES, J. F. S. Theoretical study of reinforced concrete beams reinforced to bending and
shear through CFRP use. 2021. 56f. Monograph (Graduation in Civil Engineering) - Ari de
Sá College, Fortaleza, 2021.
The emergence of new technology always has as a rule overcome a number of problems. Steel
and concrete also suffered, long ago, the same fate and, after long series of pilot projects,
international research and published articles, had gained a place among the most used materials
in civil construction. The search for composite materials for reinforcement of reinforced
concrete beams has grown noddedly on the world stage, since these materials have high
mechanical strength, and are easy to handle, making it a technically feasible solution. The need
to reinforce a structural element occurs apart from the moment when the structural part is no
longer able to withstand its loads, load arising from increased load on the structure or lack of
periodic maintenance. This work, which, as a general objective, conducts a literature review on
reinforcement studies in reinforced concrete beams submitted to bending and shear efforts
through the composite material of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers). Thus, a literary
review was carried out in a reputable work and compared in relation to the advantages and
disadvantages, also sought to present through summary simplifies the methods of application
of the CFRP technique, which consists, EBR method, (ExternalLy Bonding Reinforcement)
and the NSM method (Reinforcement applied through grooves in the cover). According to the
normative prescriptions ACI 440.2R:2017.
Keywords: Structural Reinforcement. Reinforced Concrete Beams. CFRP Bending
Reinforcement. CFRP Shear Reinforcement.