Estruturas mistas de aço e concreto: análise teórica de vigas mistas compostas por perfis metálicos e lajes treliçadas.
The use of composite structures arose from the need for innovation in construction
techniques that would meet increasingly bold architectural concepts. Assessing the
advantages and disadvantages of the materials that make up the composite structures.
We opted for the use of beams in metal profiles, lattice slab and flexible shear
connectors. Thus, the relevance of this work is notorious for the fact that this
arrangement is unusual and has little technical collection and, at the same time, they
are quite common in civil construction in isolation. Therefore, this theoretical study of
the structural behavior of the proposed composite beam will be carried out, where the
main characteristics of the composite steel-concrete structures will be presented, the
mechanical efforts acting in the interface region will be described, presenting the
significant factors in its combat (degree of connection and degree of interaction) and
the importance of using shear connectors at the interface between materials. As this
is a theoretical analysis, the results presented here will be based on the conclusions
obtained by other authors, who carried out tests using the same proposed
components. It is noteworthy that the purpose of this work is not to dimension a
composite structure, but to explain its behavior and propose a good arrangement of
the pieces. Thus, it was possible to conclude that, in general, the proposed objectives
were achieved.
Keywords: Composite structures. Steel beams. Floor system with lattice girder
beams. Shear connectors. Theoretical analysis.