Estudo teórico de vigas de concreto armado reforçadas por meio da adição de chapas de aço coladas.
This work brings a dissertation on the technique of reinforcement using steel sheets
placed by epoxy resin to concrete, to reinforce flexed structural elements, it is a very efficient
technique, when the work is well executed. The success of the reinforcement will depend on
the quality of the resin used, the preparation of the concrete and steel surface and the correct
execution of the reinforcement. The method is quite simple, it is the bonding of steel sheets to
the part to be reinforced, creating a concrete-glue-steel structural element, increasing the part's
resistance to bending and shearing efforts. The calculation of reinforcement consists of
determining the cross-sectional area of the steel sheet necessary for the beam to support new
stress requirements. Beforehand, it is necessary to know all the geometric characteristics of the
cross section of the existing part, section dimensions, steel area of the existing reinforcement
and material properties. A comparison was made between two calculation models to find the
cross-sectional area of the steel sheet. The first method used was the J. Bresson, the calculation
is done in Stage II, the second method was the Cánovas method, where the design is done in
Stage III. The beam used in the example was simply supported. The steel area obtained by the
J Bresson method is superior to that of Cánovas, as it does not consider the change in position
of the neutral line. The Cánovas method, on the other hand, has a smaller steel area, as the
section in Stage III is used as a hypothesis, which results in a change in the neutral line, thus
resulting in a smaller steel area.
Keywords: Bending reinforcement, Glued steel sheets, epoxy resin.