As principais causas de aditivos de replanilhamento em obras públicas de engenharia na prefeitura municipal de Maranguape-Ce.
Contract amendments were created to be used in exceptional situations, when
problems or difficulties are encountered during the execution of public works, if the
project or the schedule of these works is compromised. However, their use is being
related to the deficiency of the production process and management during the
construction of a project. With this in mind, in order for the use of public resources to
be as efficient as possible, it is necessary to investigate the causes of contractual
additives so that the Administration may avoid financial losses and delays in the works'
delivery schedule. Through a case study, this paper seeks to investigate the
occurrence of requests for contractual amendments and analyze the justifications for
their frequent use in works of a state public agency between the years 2018 and 2021.
For the research, the contracts in this period were surveyed and analyzed to quantify
the main causers of contractual additives. The results confirmed the existence of the
problem when they show that 71% of the works that had their execution completed had
contractual amendments, whether of increase or decrease in value. As the value
adjustments are limited by the Bidding Law, another observation raised is that in most
of the works. The additives under study are also related to recurrent modifications in
the basic projects that represent 28% of the causes of occurrence of contractual
additives. Finally, this study opens perspectives for new research related to the
analysis of public works budgets, aiming at the continuous improvement of the process
of project preparation, contracting and inspection of public works.
Keywords: Contractual amendments. Public works. Bidding. Planning. Project.