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Título: Riscos nos canteiros de obras – estudo de caso em obras de edificação residencial.
Autor(es): Lisboa Neto, Luiz Gonzaga
Palavras-chave: Construção Civil
Acidentes do Trabalho
Data do documento: 2022
Editor: Faculdade Ari de Sá
Citação: Riscos nos canteiros de obras – estudo de caso em obras de edificação residencial / Luiz Lisboa Neto. - 2022.
Resumo: The civil construction industry, among the economic sectors in Brazil, is one of the segments that most result in accidents at work, in view of the above, it is up to employers and managers, as a preventive way, to develop compliance with regulatory standards, especially NR 18, which has as a preventive measure the elaboration and implementation of the PCMAT, as it is considered the pre ventive manual of the construction site, its elaboration must be done before the beginning of the execution of the work, with the participation of all those involved from the operational to the technical staff, to that the elaboration of the PCMAT contemplate all the characteristics of the work to be executed, so its implemen tation will be of easy execution, through preventive, educational actions and/or in the determination and use of collective and individual protection. With this analy sis, it is expected to awaken in all those involved in the execution of a work, the importance of considering the PCMAT as the main tool in the prevention of acci dents, through a methodology developed with a qualitative case study based on non-conformities recorded by means of photographs, which will be described and related according to the normative concept. Keywords: Construction. PCMAT. Prevention. Work accidents.
Aparece nas coleções:Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso (TCC)

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