Restrições nos rituais fúnebres na pandemia de covid-19 e a experiência de luto devido à perda familiar.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a swift and far-reaching impact worldwide. Consequently,
norms and sanitary safety protocols were established to contain the spread of the disease. Due
to this, daily activities and interpersonal relationships were affected, alongside cultural
practices. This also modified funeral rituals, highly cherished in various countries. This study
aimed to comprehend how restrictions on funeral rites during the COVID-19 pandemic
affected the grieving experience due to family loss. An integrative literature review was
conducted, selecting articles published in PubMed, Scopus, and Web Of Science using
predefined criteria. Nine studies were analyzed, predominantly qualitative research. Results
indicated that the grieving process was compromised by the restrictions imposed on funeral
rituals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bereaved family members experienced compromised
well-being and mental health, facing difficulties in processing the loss of their loved ones,
which poses a risk factor for prolonged grief. Hence, it can be concluded that farewell rituals
hold significant importance in the grieving process across different cultures and countries,
providing solace to families dealing with the death of a loved one and aiding in facilitating
this process.
Keywords: Funeral rituals. Grief. COVID-19 pandemic. Bereaved family members.