Adoecimento mental e as relações laborais: um estudo sobre a dupla jornada de trabalho das mulheres.
This scientific article, based on a qualitative bibliographical research, has as its main theme
mental illness and labor relations, focusing more specifically on the double workday of
women. In this investigation, we carried out a reflection on the conditions of women in the
labor market, as well as approaching the concept of work, analyzing the rooting of machismo
in society, discussing the notion of belonging of the female figure in today's scenario and
discussing relevant aspects, such as the division of labor between the sexes, contractual work
and women's domestic work. From this perspective, we still contemplate issues that relate the
female double workday and the mental illness that this extensive routine can cause. As main
conclusions raised, we can point out that Organizational and Work Psychology serves as a
support point for these women, being able to promote strategies in organizations that aim to
improve the working conditions and physical and psychological well-being of these women,
considering that their extensive workday ends up causing a process of mental exhaustion.
Keywords: Woman. Mental illness. Double shift. Work